three songs that you would probably be shocked to find on my ipod (*hangs head)
(taken with 100mm macro lens and 400 iso)
i've been buying my own sunshine this week as there have been too many gray days in a row to suit me. wouldn't it be nice if we could have our personal iso button? and when we needed a boost of light, just turn that sucker up?
i think i could go for that. i do think that for sure.
flowers are one of the things that make me smile for no particular reason. other things in that category are: lacy branches against a clear blue sky, the tiny sliver of a new moon, kitty paws, doggy smiles, the first spoonful of ice cream, the smell of bread baking, baby toes, sugar cubes, postcards, old glass jars, fluffy clouds and reflections in the water.
just typing those things made me smile. i like that.
in my art journal last week i wrote a longer list, but these are the ones that come to mind. oh, i forgot bluebirds. how could i forget them?
i've also have been obsessed lately with the weepies and the pogues. right now, 'the world spins madly on is playing' and it tugs at my heart. a friend mentioned it in his blog this week - a bit of serendipity to suit my day. another friend is grateful for another day with her beloved. and i was moved. because it's not the big things - it's the little bitty things that make my life good.
that and good coffee.
Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?
And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!" - matthew 25:35-40
somehow the refrain of that book title keeps looping in my head "no one cares what you had for breakfast" and i've started this post now four six separate times.
so i think in simplest terms the universe is telling me that i have nothing to say today. *shrugs* which feels very odd to me as i think of myself as having a lot to say most of the time.
i will listen to the universe today and will back up and listen some more. i will also leave you with the best quote that i've read today: 'courage is to never let your actions be influenced by your fears. arthur koestler
there are too many things running through my head today - i think the artic chiller sweeping through the state has taken over my brain and has put it into hyperdrive...or something like that.
little things seem to be irritating me today - more so than other days when i tell myself just to chill out. theses things include - total inconsideration of my calendar when it comes to scheduling meetings, music and captivas on blogs, the drone of the construction seems to be at a higher pitch today, the general lack of length on most tops unless it's designated a 'tunic' and then it's almost knee length, obnoxious football fans instead of good fans, weather forecasts, kayne, trump, and diddy - not together - separately, dry heat, and my bladder.
yeah...i need to get over myself. i know. these are all part of my journey. it feels better just to admit it instead of holding it in.
so far the 365 project is six days old and i've only struggled one day...yesterday. i will admit it's a lot harder on week days as i tend to do one of four to six things a day: wake-up, race around like a demon to get ready for work, work, come home as it's getting dark, throw together some kind of dinner, relax, and go to bed. but, i'm pressing on. the more fun part of my days this week have been consumed with my art journal that i started. it feels right now like the writings of a middle-school girl...but, as that's the last time i took 'art' lessons it makes sense to me that i would re-live that period of my life. next thing you know i'll macrame something and maybe move on to papermache.
i'm going to totally redesign my blog sometime soon. not sure exactly how it's going to turn out but i hope it's less chaotic than it is now. that too is irritating to me today...how chaotic my blog looks.
i made a version of tyler florence's slow cooker pork barbecue this week and it was yummy. no photographs though as the pork looks much like a lump when the dry rub and then when it was ready, we devoured it like wolves (yes it was that good). i rubbed the butt (yes, the child in me laughs as i type that) and put it in a slow oven for a bit to let it begin cooking. then, i moved the pork to the slow cooker with a layer of sliced onions and just enough water to cover the pork 3/4 of the way up. let it cook slowly until the meat is done and falls apart. gently shred the pork with two forks and serve warm over hamburger buns with your favorite barbecue sauce. tyler suggests topping it with coleslaw - but i'm an alabama girl and we have our coleslaw on the side.
dry rub:
2 T chili powder
2 T kosher salt
2 T black pepper
2 T dried oregano
2 T paprika
2 T celery seeds
3-4 T garlic powder