March 3, 2011

the melody

the good news is that i found my little travel journal.  such a tiny little thing, it slipped between the seat which housed my cameras and equipment during the drive.  as i said, i've been reading "the happiness project" in bits and pieces over the year as i've struggled lately with the true meaning of happiness - is it joy, is it constant, is it contentment, what is this elusive bird.  and unhappiness...can you be both at the same time?  happy and unhappy that is....

in reading and making notes, i found this to be true - just like our palates that are most satisfied when there is a balance of sweet, salty, bitter, and sour - my life feels most balanced when i can accept that life is that series of ups and downs.  as nietzsche said, "the end of a melody is not its goal, but nonetheless, if the melody not reached its end, it would not have reached its goal either. a parable" 

so, in making happiness not my goal but part of the melody - when i reach my end, i would have enjoyed the melody all along.  this ... makes me very happy... very.


  1. hi, char -- first, glad you found your travel journal. excellent. second, another terrific post (what's new?!). third, please take this with as little urgency or obnoxiousness (on my part) that you can: i read a book years ago on happiness (who'd a thunk) that seriously made my day, year, and life much richer. however, it is from a spiritual perspective, but i'll suggest it nonetheless as i trust you'll know that this humble suggestion comes from a good place. "joy that last" by gary smalley. food for thought.

  2. so glad you found it!

    and it is definitely possible to be happy and sad at the same time. i struggle with this a lot, but i know i should just be grateful for the happy moments, and know that they would mean less if there was not any sad moments.

  3. i think i need to grab that book at barnes this weekend.....and i'm so happy you found your little journal....xo

  4. When I was in the deepest stages of depression there were glimmers of happiness, so I do think it's possible to be happy and unhappy at the same time. Little bits of both seem to shine through at different periods. So life is a balance of both, I think.

  5. I think you are very wise.
    aside from being a phenomenal photographer.

    Glad you found your journal.

  6. I'm glad you found your journal!
    Whew! Have a good cry my friend.
    Sometimes, when we shed away the
    unhappiness with tears, you start
    to feel your heart filling up with
    a renewed feeling. One much more
    brighter. ((hugs))

  7. I'm really glad you found your journal...
    It would be like losing a part of yourself.
    I'm so tired, tired from all this excitement around here, counting my blessings, and when I count my blessings, I count you twice...
    see ya later,

  8. Dear Char have put a smile on my face and a song in my heart with this post today...I hope you may always have more ups than downs in your life:) finding your journal:)

  9. So glad that you found what was missing. And Char, this photo is magical. I love it.

  10. Glad you found it.
    Beautiful post.
    Happy weekend.


  11. i need to get that book... and i love that shot.

  12. Yes, I've found that to be quite true myself ...

    So glad you found your wee journal--and may your weekend be heavy on the happy!

  13. beautifully stated...thank you, i will enjoy pondering on the melody you speak an elegant piece of music with both high and low notes...sweet balance...

  14. I love the thoughts of traveling ~ it was just what I needed to bring a smile to my face.
    I am counting on all my friday's favorite friends to get me through the week!

  15. sigh ..looking up with you as I rest in the words ..and questions.. happy friday ..i linkied you this week..

  16. I love finding things that were once lost.

  17. i read that book last year, i like the way she took such a pragmatic approach to happiness. i don't think happiness is a permanent state, we have to have ups and downs and everything in between. i think it is contentment that can flow with us through the days...

  18. It's a great feeling when you find something you love. Good for you.

  19. Without the valleys, we would not appreciate the peaks...

    So glad you found your little journal! And what a beautiful image in this post!

  20. Hi Char,
    I struggle with that same thing. I haven't read the book but I don't think we are meant to be happy all the time. If we didn't have the unhappy times then we wouldn't appreciate the wonderful feeling of being happy. I hope that doesn't sound childish. Love the post and the photo.

  21. nice thought and your photo seems very fitting to it. : )

  22. That was my number one book of last year. I hope you are loving, loving, loving it.


i feel as if each comment was between us as we sat and sipped something warm....i love to hear what you're thinking.