it seems that overnight the color has come to my little area of alabama. suddenly the yellows and reds have come along with a rush of cooler air. the weather is supposed to clear up and hopefully i can get out and about tomorrow with my camera (maybe this afternoon too as Emme's birthday party is today). unfortunately, the puggie princess cannot go on her outing as her allergies have kicked in and she's rubbed a rather angry looking spot on her back. (poor lizzie)
now i remember what saturdays feel like. that cool feeling where you know you don't have to get up at 6:00 a.m. to rush around and get out the door. i'm still getting the timing down right, but the good news is the new job is about the same distance from my house as the old job was from my old place. three miles must be the magic number. perfect. i will also say that knowing where you're going to park is comforting too.
the job is going well - i'm still getting my feet underneath me as it's a somewhat different mindset than banking. i'm doing lots and lots of reading and i'm so excited to participate in the new grant project. i can't wait until i feel like i'm really contributing. i'm working for a state agency - i've teased that either i'm the bad penny that keeps turning up or the third time is the charm. state government in a state capital is a very small world. it's been fun having people that i worked with years ago (i do mean years - 16 to be exact) come and reintroduce themselves. people that had babies when i left now show me grown ups.
but, of course there are always tests - right? i think i needed this reminder as tomorrow i'm starting a 30 day gratitude project with joy. inexplicably, my battery died yesterday afternoon. i never look under the hood but when i did yesterday the right side cable was all corroded. not horrible, not like it was something devastating...just, a test. these are the moments i'm grateful i have a sweet baby brother to come to the rescue with jumper cables. all is well - i have a new battery now.
i still need to shoot my shot for lens.us.together - a childhood passion. i've enjoyed seeing others this week as i've pondered my shot. i am also going to take a challenge up from another blogger to see my city in a different way. i think that is what has stifled me - when i look around, all i see are hundreds of shots that i've seen time and time again. i need to change it up - shake it up - break out of the mold. hopefully, that will end this period of discontent with my photography because believe me, i'm as sick of window shots as you are. *laugh*
happy halloween to you and yours - hope you have a spooky, spooky good time.