December 21, 2009

the weekend was a whirl indeed, a very nice whirl. in it i learned:

:: how small the world really is when connected by brothers and day care,
:: the beauty of making new friends,
:: my sister doesn't quite have the art of mixing a cocktail down (teasing),
:: the humbling feeling of walking into a house and seeing your artwork on the wall,
:: you can get a lot of shopping done in a short time if properly motivated,
:: people who claim innocence about a subject maybe card sharks in disguise,
:: a simple meal with a dear friend tastes better than lobster,
:: cheap alcohol bought at a home store tastes like baby formula (ick),
:: however, good quality stuff sipped over a few ice cubes can be perfection,
:: that i will always giggle and perhaps tear up when seeing children playing the nativity,
:: my nieces are completely charming...i swear...,
:: that 'i don't like it' can sometimes mean, 'i'll eat it anyway',
:: there is definitely a difference between guy and girls wrapping paper tastes,
:: i can cook dinner and two pies, almost simultanteously...almost,
:: that barilla's three-cheese tortelli is a fantastic meal starter,
:: and is the greatest temptation to bake christina's crostada without taking a bite.

one of the best lessons i practiced this weekend was being present in the moment without expectations. in being present, i had the best time ever. the surrender was gentle and did not take any prisoners. sometimes, i discount lessons like this when i listen to my negative inner chatter, but this weekend, i refused to listen to her. it was a fantastic weekend and as a result, i got a lot accomplished. i highly recommend putting ms. sour apple in the closet again.


  1. what stunning sweet flower...i will try ...but she keeps appearing..

    so glad your weekend was good!

  2. thanks for the wise words...
    my ms. sour apple is going to have be put in her closet as well...starting thursday :)

    I'm so glad you loved life this weekend...and that it loved you right back !!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful, festive weekend this time of year. Living in the moment, so easy to forget in the busy-ness of life, but so very fulfilling, indeed! Those are the best times.

  4. Cheap alcohol at a home store that tastes like baby formula...???

    Anyway, it's all about being present without expectations. That is how I spent my weekend...and it was a big one for me. I did not want to go into this new decade with preconceived notions. And let me tell was the best.

    Sounds like you had an amazing weekend.

  5. There's nothing like a great weekend to banish sour apple thoughts. I'm glad you had a good one.

    I love that 3 cheese ravioli and the tortellini too. Yum.

  6. being in the moment without expectations is exactly how i have been feeling lately. Oh, and ellie is constantly dressing up as Mary and making little brother Joseph.

  7. glad your weekend was wonderful. I hope this week, and into the holidays, that old ms sour apples stays put right in that closet if not further away.
    thanks for sharing.

  8. Char I am so glad you had a good weekend. I think that all the festivities of the season have got you excited. I could not bake that crostada without taking a bite. Be well my friend.

  9. I love a good lesson makes us better. So put miss sour apple in that closet and lock it up!! Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

  10. sure sounds like you had a fantastic weekend!

    and this food and drink talk is making me hongry! ;)

  11. One should not feel so humbled when they see their artwork upon a wall when it is as wonderful as yours. :-)

    Miss you girl.

  12. yay for you getting so much done without stressing...thanks for your comments this year and your being a source of inspiration for me../

  13. it sounds like you too had a busy and wonderful weekend. living in the moment does have its pleasures. :-)

    merry christmas to you!!!


  14. I love the dof in your beautiful flower here, Charlane. My gosh.

    If you came into my house, one of the first things you would see is your art on my wall.

    I think I was channeling you today. I actually made dinner and it's simmering on the stove right now. Dessert, too!! I made a cream of mushroom soup an for dessert a yogurt/marmalade pound cake I found on PW's site last year.


  15. I love the way you say the things you do. That reminds me of some song, but the words didn't go exactly like that. Oh well, I love the way you say/write things. It makes me smile just to read them.

  16. beautiful words Char.
    Merry Christmas! xx

  17. im going to lock that closet, and put my books in front of it, so she doesn't stand a chance. lol

  18. she's no fun, is she, this ms. sour apple. but kind of hard to get rid sometimes.

  19. have a wonderful holiday. don't let ms. sour apple out no matter how much she screams and shouts. beware of her promises to behave!!

  20. it's also called "self-empowering"...that being "here and now" you're doing. I wish i could do that all the time..

  21. No expectations.

    That is something I am always working on and something my MIL desperately needs to learn before everyone writes her off. It's sad to live your life always waiting for people to respond the way you expect them to because that rarely happens.

  22. What a wonderful time you've been having. So glad Ms. Sour Apple has been shoved into that closet where she belongs. In case I don't make it by again tomorrow, I wanted to wish you the happiest, the merriest, the laughingest Christmas ever. Merry Christmas, my friend.


i feel as if each comment was between us as we sat and sipped something warm....i love to hear what you're thinking.