but, hopefully the rest of the week will be better. we got a ginormous mailout (2,500+) out and the daily meetings have settled down into a groove where they are running smoothly. hopefully tomorrow i can actually do some reading that i've had to put off for a while.
cute story - sunday night we were visiting with my brother, sister in law and two nieces. my nieces are crazy for littlest pet shop animals and the two year old almost always has one in her little hand. she brought one over to me and said, 'quiral (squirrel in kid talk)' and i looked - it was a cat. so i said, kitty kat and made the appropriate 'meow, meow'. *mulish look* 'quiral! no, kitty kat. this went on for a minute and finally, she reached her patience's end. 'quiral, quiral, quiral!!!' so she took it over to my sister. 'quiral. my sister said, 'quiral? (looking at me while i mouthed 'squirrel') my niece took that as an affirmation and looked at me triumphantly, 'tell lanie' (my family calls me lanie). we clutched our sides laughing. it is always amazing how much personality they have so very young. their own sense of style, their likes and dislikes - everything.
for those that asked about the fuji instax. the first two rolls were a real learning experience - where to put my finger so it's not in the shot, adjusting for the light, how to frame. but i think i really like it. i better because i just ordered 10 packs of film for it. i'm going to scan what i think are my four best shots. i just have to get to a scanner. this is what i learned so far:
1. think wide angle when you frame your shot. if you are used to a digital cropping factor, it will pretty much go out the window.
2. there is no autofocus - what you see is pretty much what you get - there is no aperture adjustment - it's one aperture and that's it.
3. it's very sensitive to light adjustments. it has four modes: sunny, partially sunny, cloudy and night. from what i can tell the flash is always on - the mode you pick will make a big impact on the shot and it defaults to night. i blew four shots before i realized that because with the cooler weather it took a while for them to come up - overexposed looks almost the same as still developing.
4. the shots are really tiny - like credit card size. they feel like polaroids for barbies at times.
5. the camera is pretty cheap - i found mine on amazon for around $80. the film is not that cheap - it's around $1 a shot (if you buy in bulk it lowers the cost). so, it slows you down and makes you think about the shot more.
all that being said - i love polaroids and i've never been able to put my hands on a good one or get film for them. there are some shots that i just cradle in my hands lovingly gaze into that special dreamy world that instafilm has. i hope i can share them soon.
Quiral. That's hilarious! Yes,
ReplyDeleteit is amazing just how much of
their personality comes out at
such a young age. I should know.
I have a little one that blames
all her mischief on her alter ego:
Clark Kent.
Thanks for sharing the info on the
Fuji instax. I had considered getting
one then realized I really would like
to get the Holgaroid back. But those
suckers are almost 5 times the cost
of the actual camera itself! Crazy.
Look forward to seeing your images!
Ohh, so glad to hear the instax feedback. I'm still working on my plan to acquire one. Hopefully in a couple of months I can justify the purchase. :) I hope the week gets better for you!
ReplyDeleteHey Chaar, So sorry you have been so busy, your little niece sounds precious. Glad you got to spend time with your family. your photo of the roses is so beautiful. hugs to you, think of you often.
ReplyDeleteThat is a gorgeous photo! And I love your quiral story, makes me laugh! Hope your week smooths out a bit. Sending you good thoughts!
ReplyDeletexo Mary Jo
i'm sorry your week has been tough, thinking about you and i hope everything improves xo
ReplyDelete*love* the cat/squirrel story! And the info on the instax ... they are about $170 (nz dollars)here on our equivalent to ebay, but i'm interested in getting one since i can no longer afford $6-7 per shot for polaroids!
hoping your week improves...and looking forward to your fuji scans!
ReplyDeleteLove the quirral story. So cute. Good luck on the job, i'm sure things will smooth out completely ... well as much as any job does, ... soon. :)
ReplyDeletehang in there with work issues char . love the "quiral" story..i wish I could adopt that as a scrabble word!
ReplyDeletethanks for the life update :)
ReplyDeleteand your niece is the most precious thing ever !
keep notes !....write that story down so you can share with her when she's older !!
and the camera....waiting to see photos....hint hint, wink wink
I can't wait to see your fuji shots, I SO want one!
ReplyDeleteSo many people seem to be getting a fuji instax at the moment, I can't wait to see your photos. Also thanks for the tips, might have to wander across to Amazon and check it out!
ReplyDeleteSo funny about your niece. My little grandson's personality is forming more and more everyday. He recently learned how to make a mad face and he uses it pretty often now. It's pretty funny to realize what he's thinking.
ReplyDeleteI'm eager to see your instax photos. I used to have a Kodak instant camera but got rid of it when I could no longer buy film....never thought about ordering online...duh! Of course, I probably gave it away before you could do everything online so maybe that makes me feel a little better.
The weekend is almost here! Off to find out about that new camera of yours.
ReplyDeleteWell, I've seen those Littlest Pet Shop figures, and I can see how she might confuse a kitty with a squirrel! Very cute story!
ReplyDeleteSorry you're having such a rough week and hope the rough part is over for now so you can relax a little. Don't you hate being the new guy?
Cute story. I love kid talk!!!! I can't wait to see your shots too!
Apparently the little one thinks Lanie is "quirrely" for not knowing the difference between a squirrel and a cat!! Age 2 -- one of my favourite ages, simply because of the true emergence of the personality! xo
ReplyDeleteAw, what a cute story! And now that you know the difference between a cat and a "quiral," you can look ever so much smarter at work, too. ;)
ReplyDeleteHope your week is better; can't wait to see the scans.
hope your week gets better and this jsut really makes me want to learn how to take photos!
ReplyDeletethe week is nearly over Char~~heads up and smile...cute story ;)
ReplyDeletelove that story! sometimes they are strong-willed from the get-go! :)
ReplyDeletequirral... smiling at that.
ReplyDeletecute quirrl story... you think you will never forget those moments~ but you do.
ReplyDeleteI love that you are writing them down.
A friday favorite ♥
Of *course* it's a quiral, Lanie! :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you have the relaxing and restful weekend you so deserve, dear.
This is such a beautiful picture- did you take this with your fuji? I am now so interested in this camera and I am off to do some research :)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see some of the pictures you have taken with the new cam. It's fun experimenting with new toys!
ReplyDeleteYou may can get a few pix of some quirals with it!
Photography can be a really great escape. It seems to be helping you through the rough spots.
ReplyDeletegood luck with work I know it's not easy sometimes, hope you have a great time with fuji instax!!
ReplyDeletehappy w-e relax!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend to restore yourself from the barrages of work...and to prepare for the next one:)
ReplyDeleteLove your niece story...my two year old granddaughter is also stubborn...and always very sure she is right...
Can't wait to see your instax pics:)
Kids say the funniest things... great shot. I NEED a new camera!
ReplyDeleteI haven't been out and about but didn't want to let another day go by and not stop to say hello. Cute story, too.
ReplyDeleteI understand about work...I now that the "I'm just going to do it and take the heat later." approach. Not sure which is worse...
ReplyDeleteOh, she sounds so cute!! She kinda reminds me of Aidan.