November 21, 2008

ho, ho, ho

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas - as of January 1, 2009 I will be looking for a new job - hopefully not one in the banking industry.

The company that bought notified us this week that they will no longer support our office functions as of January 1st. Of course we will try to find a way to keep our lights on...but we were told today that no one's feelings will be hurt if we found something in the meantime. I think that's a clear message, yes?

Of course I'm scared and frightened. I've planned for this in the back of my head but didn't think it would really come to pass....I used to be a damn good assistant - I can do that again. I hate starting over one more time.


  1. Well, my thoughts and prayers are with you. You're one strong lady and you'll land on your feet. Not a fun time of year though.

  2. Hey Char, it'll be ok. I got a new job today, and you KNOW how much Karma I needed from all of you for that. Now it's your turn.
    Call you Sunday.

  3. I'm sorry Char. We'll be in the job market at the same time, if it's any consolation. (I'm sure it's not) My thoughts are with you. :)

  4. Sometimes these things happen for good reason. You must send me your email so I can invite you to my network. It's a great place to start building a network of professionals as well as search for a career change and jobs in your area. Once I invite will be connected to over 200 professionals that I ACTUALLY KNOW...and people they know and so forth...which will connect you to companies that are hiring in whatever interest you are going after.
    Send me an email and I'll send you the invite. BETTER TIMES could be ahead...

  5. oh my...I hope you find something better than you could have imagined...keep us posted! xo

  6. Wow.... This just happened to a friend - for the second time. Hugs & prayers to you. I truly believe something good will come, & things will work out. Go get 'em girl!

  7. Happy Holidays to you as well and best of luck.


  8. Perhaps this will be a good thing?

    I g/f of mine lost her job and it was the best thing that had ever happened to her.


  9. Ugh. I'm sure you will find something that better matches your personality. My dad recently lost his job that he had for 39 years.

  10. You should see this as a new opportunity - a chance to do something you really want. I'm sure you will find something, you just need to be determined.


i feel as if each comment was between us as we sat and sipped something warm....i love to hear what you're thinking.