March 18, 2009


it's easy to feel sorry for ourselves if we stay within a self contained world, thinking that the universe "owes" us very easy. what is difficult is retaining that illusion when we venture out and connect with the surrounding area. then we might find the ones that make best of a bad situation...

in it you might find...
a paraplegic that still loves to dance, a scarred man with a soul mate, a romantic that still believes no matter the circumstance, the dog that is always glad to see you.

then...maybe, just can find the best in a bad situation too.


  1. so true!
    thank you for the reminder.
    (this is, btw, one of the prettiest images i've ever seen!)

  2. beautiful, deep, thoughtful....
    thank you !

    and the flowers from the previous wonderful and delicate!!

  3. Absolutely. Some of the happiest people I know are the ones who seem to have the least of what we are "supposed" to have.

    It's very important to be able to get out of yourself sometimes.

  4. beautiful post, lovely thoughts, thanks for the reminder.

  5. amazing photo! i've GOT to learn how to do the texture thing!

  6. Glad you wrote directly to me today. Just what I needed to hear. I'm grateful.

  7. beautifully written.
    beautifully shot.

  8. A kindred spirit you are for sure.

    This photograph is so delicately beautiful.

  9. very true char! lovely image and those words created almost a mini screenplay in my mind :-) have a good day!

  10. Yes! Thank you for reminding me of a lesson I had learned three years ago and which had begun to slip away from me. So true!

  11. great words, as always.

  12. I was just having a similar conversation today, wow. But I was also saying that no matter the situation, if we all take care of our selves first and find appreciation in the little things, we become a little bit better equipped to handle anything that may come our way.

    Great post as always, you are so wonderfully uplifting :)

  13. so beautifully written.
    when i look at your lovely work, i am always transported. the beauty that you make and give to others helps them make the best of their bad situations. hope it will help you to know that if you didn't already :-).

  14. very old fashioned looking ~nice and comfortable words...ELK

  15. Yes! To what you said and the photo...divine.
    I wish it were wallpaper and I'd cover my house in it. Beautiful.

  16. Yes, so true! Such a beautiful image as well!!!

  17. beautiful blog! I traveled over from lovemaegan...


i feel as if each comment was between us as we sat and sipped something warm....i love to hear what you're thinking.